Semester 3, 終わったぞ!OK it’s my fourth day of semester break and I’m so happy that last semester dah habis. How was it? Dou datta? A lot of stuff happened during Semester 3 ni, bad and good things.
Among the notable events that happened last semester were:
- Minggu Interaksi Jabatan Asia Timur
- Bengkel Pengacaraan bersama Ally Iskandar
- Festival Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya (FESKUM) 2017
- Nagasaki APN Tele-conference
- UCE GKR1014
- Fukuoka Global Networking Party
- Japanese Skit and Speech Contest 2017
- JACTIM Award 2017
- Pesta Co-K Universiti Malaya 2017
Of course I’m not going to cerita secara detail (or one by one) every events ni, malas lah pula. Panjang berjela satgi post ni nanti, macam post yang ni hahaha.
First of all, masuk semester lagi dah rasa down dah. Why? Because of acne breakout (and until now on off jerawat ni, yang penting acne scars dah berkampung kat muka). So the whole semester until now still figuring out product apa yang sesuai nak pakai. Now I’m using Sebamed but goddamn it’s so expensive. Haih insecure gila tahu tak bila tengok condition muka ni.
Anyway, I also made more new international friends, few from Korea, and the rest are mostly Japanese. But yang paling rapat sekali with me is Jun and Nao since we are in the same class; Hubungan Antarabangsa Asia Timur. They helped me a lot with my Japanese too! I spent a lot of time going out with international friends lah last semester. Actually kat UM ada this program called Buddies where you can sign up dekat International Student Centre and jadi buddy untuk your international friends. But malas pula nak sign up sebab you have to spend a lot of money and time going out with them.
OK now let’s go through the events yang I paling enjoyed the most semester. Again, taknak cerita semua, few je hahaha.
Nagasaki APN Tele-Conference
OK this one is one of the project yang buat aku agak serabut but so worth it in the end. Basically, since I’ve been to Nagasaki early last year, kitorang required to attend a tele-conference untuk discuss about next project. Dia macam pre-meeting je actually untuk next batch tapi previous batch datang juga untuk share tips, experiences for the project. Sempat lah reunite with my Nagasaki friends yang I met last year haha. I had so much fun!
Discussion untuk present apa during tele-conference nanti. |
On air! Tele-conference with China, Japan, and South Korea. |
Right after selesai tele-conference. Alia (yellow dress) and I, batch 2017. The new batch, from left, Aimi, Ying Ying, Ainul, and Fatimah. Seorang tak cukup sebab she was at Fukuoka time tu. |
Ni sebenarnya subjek universiti yang biasanya pelajar UM ambil starting Semester 3. So GKR1014 ni adalah subjek Tarian Warisan Kebangsaan hehe, you know I love to dance kan! Semester 3 jadi penat and hectic, salah satu dia sebab subjek ni lah hahaha. Especially on Wednesday sebab my class will be from 9 AM – 7.30 PM, gila tak barai? So dalam subjek ni ada dua main project kena buat, UCE or University Community Engagement dan Pesta Co-K dimana semua pelajar yang ambil Co-K kena perform, or present lah final project dia dekat Kompleks Perdanasiswa. Untuk kitorang, kena perform Inang, disusuli dengan Zapin dan diakhiri dengan Joget. Contoh yang lain, macam Photography kononnya. Haaa diorang kena buat macam booth lah untuk projek diorang. Our choreographer or cikgu tari were Kak Siti dan Abang Azhar, dan mereka sangat lah baik, kelakar! Masuk kelas asyik nak pecah perut sebab ketawa dengan lawak diorang. But bila waktu serious, diorang serious lah. Garang juga, huhuhu. Kak Siti pula lantik me as the class rep so for UCE project, I was required untuk cari venue kat mana. I picked SMK Seksyen 3 Bandar Kinrara, and we collaborated dengan my friends yang akan ke Nagasaki. So our project gabung lah, bertemakan World Peace. Untuk Pesta Co-K pula, perform je lah but unfortunately kitorang tak dapat placing pun but it’s okay, I enjoyed my time. Itu paling penting and I made a lot of new friends!
Before we start our project, bergambar first! |
Time ni I was instructing the students on how nak buat Omamori. |
Right after habis with the UCE. |
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After learning for 13 weeks, finally perform juga! Also, ada two students from China actually. Ain't that interesting? |
Fukuoka Global Networking Party
Party ni my Japanese friend; Sotaro yang ajak. I was like okay yeah sure free makan and minum why not hehe. It’s not party cucuk langit ke apa, it’s just that kitorang semua gather dekat this one hotel; Capri near Bangsar South. Kitorang bersembang, and bertukar contact lah. So I macam build network lah with the Japanese considering that I am studying about Japan (and planning to work there juga) so of course this event penting for me. But, few of them can speak English. Terpaksa lah I use my Japanese yang tersangat limited. Lepas tu ada after party pula, kitorang naik top floor and lepak minum lagi. Padahal masa kat floor bawah tu dah makan and minum like crazy. Of course I didn’t drink, but some of them were quiet drunk juga lah. Biasa lah Japanese, ni memang part of their work culture pun. Seronok lah and I definitely need to improve my Japanese sebab diorang memang full on speak Japanese with me eventhough I said yang I can speak a little bit je lol.
Japanese Skit and Speech & JACTIM Award
For Speech Contest, thanks to Jun and Nao lah that I won 1st place. Sebab they helped me a lot with my script. I asked for their help untuk tengok my speech script sebab my speech script pada asalnya sangat textbook-ish so dia tak sound very natural. They helped me with that, and so I won! As for Skit category pula, we won 2nd place. Hehe easy money tau, dapat duit from Japan. I got RM300 for speech, and another RM50 after split for menang skit. Bila dah menang speech, kena present pula masa JACTIM Award! Ya Allah, ni nervous gila. Remember tak last year I was the emcee? Haa this time my turn pula untuk receive award plus, bagi speech in Japanese. Present in front of the Japanese VIPs and VIPs from UM juga. Gila tak nervous weh. Habis je award, masa makan makan, ketua jabatan suruh duduk dengan the VIPs pula. WEH SUMPAH AWKWARD NAK MAMPUS. Apa je aku nak bersembang dengan VIPs tu? Seriously most of the time I was quite je unless ditanya soalan. Sebab I felt small sitting next to them, takkan nak bersuara tiba-tiba pula kan? So bercakap bila perlu je.
Yeah yeah I was smiling but only God knows how nervous I was during this time! |
Hadi should be here but the junior yang tolong ambilkan instead. |
And here are the rest of the events yang I really enjoyed too.
Minggu Interaksi Jabatan Asia Timur was so much fun! Sebenarnya pada mulanya Imran-senpai asked me to conduct the program but then time tu I was so busy with tele-conference for Nagasaki, plus budak major Jepun yang lain pun terlibat juga. So I passed it to coursemate major Korea instead. Diorang pun come out lah with this idea of main games between junior and senior. Seronok lah ada games such as cari tepung dalam gula, baling water balloon, baling kasut ke dalam baldi, cari penyepit baju dalam baldi full of ice etc. Macam sukaneka lah kononnya haha! But as for game water balloon, nasib baik our team tak pecahkan so no one lah yang basah. As for game cari gula dalam tepung pula, I couldn't participate sebab right after this activity I had to attend Dean's List Award, so taknak ruin my outfit lah. Overall, I had fun, the juniors pun okay je with perangai I yang kepoh ni hahaha.
Bengkel Pengacaraan was short yet informative. Ally Iskandar was such a good sport. Dah lah dia tu sassy, and funny! He shared a lot of information and experience lah tentang dunia pengacaraan. Dia cerita lah masa dia study dekat US dulu, pastu how nak cari news, how dia mengacara dengan Cheryl Samad for AJL and more. It costed me RM10 je for registration fee, and I think dapat sijil kot... but until now pihak UMalaya Radio tak ada contact pun regarding sijil lol.
Lastly, FESKUM 2017. Annual event yang paling I look forward to, other than Feseni. Bestnya FESKUM ni akan ada banyak gila stall for a week, so students boleh beli macam macam. Food, baju, tudung, make up, you name it lol. Anyway, masa hari tu busy gila but still I make time juga untuk datang tengok senpaitachi yang graduate. Ambil berkat sekali hahaha! Us juniors adalah bagi gift dekat diorang. For my case, datang sebab nak congratulate Shawal-senpai sebab dia ni banyak gila tolong masa project Nagasaki dulu. Mulanya cari kat Dewan Tunku Canselor tapi MasyaAllah crowded gila. So, berkumpul lah dekat Gazebo Kompleks Perdanasiswa. Semua pun bergambar dekat situ. As for students major Korea, Dr Park sampai datang lawat lagi hahaha. Seronok tengok diorang dah graduate, after years of studying hard finally habis juga. My turn akan menyusul soon, InsyaAllah!
Who popped the water balloon?! Kan dah basah... |
Funny story about this game is, before my turn, semua asyik fail. But once my turn came, sekali campak je terus masuk hahaha. |
OMG selfie dengan idola. |
Senpai yang helped us a lot masa di Nagasaki, if it wasn't for him, kitorang mungkin dah clueless macam mana nak travel satu Nagasaki. Omedetou Shawal senpai! |
Of course lah I paling bawah sekali since I'm the 2nd Year lol. |
To sum it up, I can say that... semester ni adalah sangat challenging. Personally, I think semester ni lah yang paling tak perform sekali. Serious talk. Most of the time I felt so demotivated. One of the reasons dia adalah sebab I had problem with my laptop. So bila laptop rosak tak boleh nak buat assignment, rasa macam ugh... takde mood nak buat everything. Tapi semua assignments and tasks siap juga, thanks to Makmal Komputer and my friends yang sudi bagi pinjam laptop haha. Other than that, Semester 3 bermulanya dugaan dimana Japanese language aku diduga. Bila kau dah 2nd Year, orang kinda expect that kau finally put your newly learned language into use. Sejak Semester 3, sensei dah banyak speak Japanese. My Japanese friends pun sometimes speak Japanese with me, either masa berjumpa or on LINE. Even masa present speech during JACTIM Award pun, the Japanese VIPs semua speak Japanese with me. But I replied to them both in English and Japanese lah sebab my Japanese masih lagi elementary level. So yeah I definitely kena work harder untuk speak Japanese much better than now. Semester 4 kena gain balik semangat!
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