Faiz. Penutur bahasa rojak profesional. Used to be an introvert, but now slowly becoming an ambivert.

What am i doing now?

Assalamualaikum, well hello? Check out your calendar peeps, it's 21.12.2012. End of the world? Nahhhh, what an epic fail dear Mayans. Okay, latest news about me? SPM is over, i am no longer a high chool-er, and i'll be 18 next year. Finally, an ultimate freedom. I can watch any movies that i like. So i just wanna tell you guys, errr i mean to those who can read this post lah... errr takde siapa pun tahu blog aku soooo takpe cakap je lah sorang sorang. Okay, it's 3am and aku tetiba bosan... and 'lil bit emo actually, so idea nak post a new post tu banyak. So i just wanna tell you guys apa yang aku buat setakat ni. Maklum lah, dah graduate, dah free dari sekolah kan. Okay, aku tak buat apa pun cuti, it's really a boring holiday for me. Bangun tidur, makan, online, tengok tv, tidur something like that lah. PLKN? I haven't receive any news or letters from them... yet! Dah check kat website, takde pape pun. I'm just hoping that they will put me in Group 1 lah. Cuti ni tak kerja, duduk rumah je lah. Keluar rumah pun jarang. Kerja nanti bulan 1 lah kot, next year. Dengan kawan kawan pulak dah macam renggang sikit sebab dah jarang jumpa kan. So yeah, that's all i can tell for now. Bye.