This is going to be a veryyyyyy long story. Yes, that’s right I went to 日本(Nihon) or Japan! I supposed to update this blog while I’m in Japan but I was too busy there (even if I had time pun, I was already too tired to open my laptop) so I decided to post this after I’m back to Malaysia hahaha. Anyway, the second semester has started. Now I’m in my dorm, Elywnn Forest music’s playing in the background while I’m typing this. よし!Let’s begin the story.
At 12 AM dah bersiap-siap dah nak boarding, at 1 PM kitorang pun fly ke Japan. Masa dalam kapal terbang, hidung aku berair dah hahaha sebab I really can’t stand kalau duduk dalam aircond lama-lama. The food was bomb af tho. At 8 PM sampai lah di Fukuoka Airport, Japan. Keluar je daripada kapal terbang memang berasap mulut sebab, WINTER. Memang sejuk sikit lah bila keluar tu, tak lah rasa macam different sangat, mungkin sebab dalam kapal terbang aircond kuat kot. Dah lepas immigration apa semua, Yuukoさん greeted us. So kitorang tak boleh nak bersembang banyak sangat dengan dia sebab her English wasn’t very fluent. Dr. Asmadi and Dr. Nasrudin lah yang banyak sembang dengan dia, in Japanese. I tried speaking Japanese, but my 単語 (tango) or vocabulary was very limited so it was 難しい (muzukashii) or difficult. Yang okay pun cuma 自己紹介 (jikoshoukai) or self-introduction je lol. Pastu Yuukoさん suruh jalan-jalan sekitar airport, shopping ke while waiting for Korean delegation. Aku pun pergi lah berjalan dengan Nisa, we decided to keluar daripada airport. Let me tell you, masa tu I only wear black skinny jeans, and sweater with white collar T-shirt inside. Bila keluar je, aku dengan Nisa terkejut beruk with the temperature. SEJUK NAK MATI. It was 9°C or lower lah. Airport dia sejuk, bila keluar lagi sejuk. Kitorang masuk balik, terus bukak beg, keluar kan mafla, pakai beanie, and glove. Tapi glove aku pakai kejap je lah sebab macam menyusahkan haha. Tu pun still cold af sebab I didn’t wear thermal underwear or long john. Ada dalam luggage, malas pula nak punggah apa semua. 「寒い~」 (Samui~) or cold, was the word that we frequently said dekat sana hahaha sebab Malaysia tak ada winter weh, of course tak biasa. Bila Korean delegation dah sampai, kitorang pun bersembang lah with them.
Korean delegation were:
Dalam Korean delegation ada dua orang fluent in Japanese. Dr. Lee, and KeunA sebab dia Japanese language student. Masa Dr. Lee saw me for the first time, he asked,
「女か?男か?」“Onna ka? Otoko ka?” or “Male? Or female?”
I was like, EXCUSE ME? What makes you think that I look like a woman? I was so weirded out. Aku cakap lah aku ni lelaki, while laughing awkwardly. Then dia cakap,
「フェムですね。」“Fem desune?” or “Very feminine isn't it?”
dekat Dr. Asmadi, tapi Dr. Asmadi jawab lah 男らしい (otokorashii) something. Macam clarify lah aku ni lelaki lol. I definitely won’t forget that moment. At 11.02 AM Japan time, kitorang pun naik bas ke Matsuyama-machi. It was a 2-hour trip lah ke sana. I sat beside KeunA and girl oh girl, dia pi tibai cakap Bahasa Jepun dengan aku sebab mungkin diorang tengok information yang Malaysia delegation semua budak Japanese Studies kot. Little did they know, our 日本語 (Nihongo) wasn’t very fluent. OK, her English pun wasn’t very good, so susah nak communicate, dia banyak speak Japanese je lah. I understand a bit lah, but couldn’t reply in Japanese sangat. She said she’s been to Indonesia before, and she knew a bit of Indonesian language. She did give me a food, a sandwich. I was so afraid to accept it, takut tak Halal ke kan. Tapi dia tahu yang us Muslims cannot eat pork. She even said,
「豚肉はだめですね?」“Butaniku wa dame desu ne?” Which I replied,
「そうです。」“Sou desu.”
I think it’s a chicken sandwich kot. I didn’t eat it at first, then dia ask, why tak makan lagi. Aku cakap aku full, padahal dah cuak dah camne aku nak makan ni, Halal ke idok. Tapi dah terdesak sangat, aku just baca Bismillah and eat the food. Taknak lah offend dia pula kan. Masa dalam bas, it was so awkward sitting beside KeunA because she doesn’t really talk much and aku nak main phone pun tak boleh juga because there was no internet connection. Dia keluarkan buku, then baca buku. Aku pun dah tak tahu nak buat apa, tengok lah kat luar tingkap menikmati pemandangan highway Jepun, LOLOL awkward gila. Nisa pun pergi lah bersembang dengan dia, after dia bersembang dengan Yeji. Memang aku nampak lah Nisa je yang banyak tanya soalan, si KeunA tu banyak mengiyakan je. Kitorang ada berhenti sekali. I went out to the toilet, memang sejuk lah kat luar. Of course Jepun terkenal dengan toilet dia yang ‘special’ haha. Luckily I can read a bit of Japanese, so tahu lah mana nak tekan for flush and all. Kang tersalah tekan, pi keluar air pancut lak, tak pasal pasal aku basah. Air paip kat toilet pun rasa macam Ya Allah tak boleh tahan lah sejuk dia. Bila dah masuk bas balik, tak lama lepas tu KeunA tukar seat. よかった (yokatta), aku lagi suka being alone daripada being ignored. KeunA duduk somewhere else yang dia nak be alone. Aku pun bila dah alone, apa lagi, tidur kejap lah sebab penat kot jet lag. Ceh gitu. Pukul 1.37 PM sampai dah di Matsuyama-machi, Nagasaki Prefecture. Kalau kita Malaysia ni, negeri-negeri tu panggil state kan. Kat Jepun diorang panggil prefecture. Dalam Bahasa Melayu, panggil wilayah lah kot. Kalau China pula panggil province or daerah dalam Bahasa Melayu nya. Ceh tetiba lak.
OK sambung. Setibanya di Matsuyama-machi, kitorang dijemput oleh Obaさん and other staff dan dibawa ke Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall around 2 PM. Pastu kitorang ke meeting room dalam tempat hall tu, and had our first lunch. The food was three onigiris, omelette, fried fish (macam fish and chips, excluding the chips) narutomaki or naruto, tempura, and veggies plus Japanese green tea. Sana memang banyak minum Japanese green tea je lol. おいしかったです!Memang kenyang lah weh. それから, lepas tu, kitorang pun had our first briefing. Obaさん explained to us pasal project dan aktiviti apa yang akan dilakukan sepanjang lawatan kitorang semua di sini. Selesai briefing, tamat sudah lah aktiviti untuk hari itu. Kitorang pun dibawa ke hotel untuk check-in. Masa ni cuma ada Korea and Malaysia delegation je. China tak ada lagi. Bila dah sampai hotel memang ahhhhh, lega lah boleh rest dah. Setiap orang satu bilik. Unpack beg apa semua then kemas barang. But before that Dr. Asmadi and Dr. Nasrudin ada kasi rules to follow. Typical stuff like jangan buat bising and all, but yang first time aku dengar is, jangan basah kan lantai dekat toilet. Get it? OK, let me explain. So, dalam satu bilik akan ada ‘tiga ruang’. Ruang pertama, memang ruang bilik lah. Ruang kedua, ruang toilet. Haa kat sini lah ruang yang tak boleh basah. Ruang ni ada sinki, dan tandas. Lantai dia kat sini macam wooden sikit so if basah takut mengalir ke floor bawah, and orang bawah pula akan bising. Reason kenapa kayu sebab Japan kan memang prone to earthquake, so if that disaster ever happen, dia macam mengurangkan lah impak roboh tu. Imagine if concrete jatuh atas kita, for sure mati. If kayu mungkin kurangkan sikit lah kot chance tu. At least that’s what Dr. Asmadi told me. For the last ruang is, ruang bilik air.
Selesai mandi apa semua, I put on my robe and relax kejap. Usya juga lah TV saje tengok channel Jepun macam mana hahaha. At first WiFi tak ada, so I had to go to the lobby and ask for a satu benda kecik ni lah, I guess that’s the WiFi portable. Waktu malam kitorang pergi ke みらい長崎 COCOWALK or Mirai Nagasaki Cocowalk. It’s a shopping mall with a Ferris Wheel on top of it. Saje masuk dalam mall tu, tengok apa ada ke kan. I was gonna buy a new belt sebab my belt masa tu dah rabak sangat dah, tapi macam tak rasa nak beli. Until now, to this day tengah write post blog ni pun masih tak beli new belt lagi hahaha. So masuk lah ke Uniqlo, ke Arcade, just window shopping je. Except Gan, dia beli lah few grocery stuff untuk dia nak makan dalam bilik dia. Gan tak ada masalah makanan since he’s a Buddhist, except he can’t eat beef. That’s part of his religion diet. Selesai jalan di Cocowalk, balik hotel, and tidur. Sebab esok pagi ada aktiviti lain pula.
Do you still remember when I became the emcee for JACTIM Award last semester? So masa dapat offer jadi emcee tu, Dr. Asmadi not only told me to be an emcee je, he also offered me to go to Nagasaki for a, well sort of a conference, of a peace program called, “Asian Youth Peace Networking Project”. I was hesitant to accept the invitation at first sebab memang tengah tak ada duit time tu plus nervous nak join benda-benda camni. Nevertheless, I accepted it juga after dapat tahu it’s fully funded under jabatan. I only had to bring money for shopping je. So bila dah accept the offer, tak ada lah terus pergi kan. I had to do other stuff first. Firstly, I was assigned with a team, consisted of five members, including me.
Group members were:
- Shawal – 3rd Year
- Gan – 2nd Year
- Nisa – 2nd Year
- Alia – 2nd Year
- Faiz (me) – 1st Year
Semuanya my 先輩 (senpai) or senior lah. Cuma Shawal先輩 je older than me, the rest semua sebaya. Memang rasa nervous lah nak work with orang yang kita tak kenal kan, ke luar negara pula tu but aku beranikan juga diri untuk do this. Memang happy tak terkata lah bila dapat offer ni sebab sebelum ni ada pernah nak join projek kolej, Delegasi 2.0 ke Jepun tapi terpaksa drop sebab kena pay RM2000 (RM200 monthly until tarikh projek). Masa tu memang takleh nak afford. Kecewa juga lah masa drop projek tu sebab I’ve always wanted to go to Japan.
So, before ke Japan, kena buat project dulu di Malaysia. Sebab kat Japan tu kitorang kena present apa yang kitorang dah buat kat Malaysia. So what we did was, spread peace messages to public (SMK Seksyen 3 Bandar Kinrara, Universiti Malaya, and public at Terminal Bersepadu Selatan KL), cerita kat diorang pasal pengeboman di Nagasaki dan Hiroshima, and other stuff related to that. We wanted the public to be aware of the tragedy. Setelah selesai buat project kat Malaysia, kena prepare lah slide, videos and all for presentation di sana. Not only that, we had to prepare persembahan juga. Yes, persembahan. Sebab masa kat Jepun, bukannya Malaysia dan Jepun je terlibat, negara Asia Timur lain pun terlibat juga iaitu Korea dan China. Setiap negara hantar wakil diorang sendiri. Persembahan ni kenapa kena prepare, nanti aku cerita. So persembahannya, I suggested Joget Melayu. It’s a 3 minutes long; 2 minutes we dance, 1 minute ajak audience dance. I choreographed the joget, we practiced and then mula lah cuti semester. Tak banyak sangat masa nak practice sebab semua busy with exam, and nak dekat cuti semester dah. Kitorang practice for a day je. Memang very basic step lah yang pakai pun. Cuti semester bermula from 15 January 2017 until 12 February 2017. Tarikh ke Jepun tu pada 1 February sampai 8 February. So pergi masa nak habis cuti semester lah.
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Q&A Session. |
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Students from SMK Seksyen 3 Bandar Kinrara. |
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Alia, and Nisa tengah explain pasal Sadako Sasaki. |
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Shawal, and Gan explaining. |
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Tourist from UK. |
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This dude were so into the bomb that we explained, macam pelik pun ada juga. |
Now kita cerita detik detik nak ke Jepun pula. Semua dah prepare, packing pun sudah, project dah siap, slide dah settle EXCEPT persembahan Joget Melayu. Sebab kitorang tak banyak masa nak practice. We planned to siapkan Joget Melayu tu masa kat sana nanti. Memang nervous lah nak ke Jepun sebab to be honest I don’t even travel a lot in Malaysia, apatah lagi ke luar negara. Yep, ni first time nak ke luar negara and first country is Japan, omg couldn’t be happier.
Pukul 4.30 PM dah gerak ke KLIA 1 untuk berjumpa dengan team members yang lain. Total orang yang pergi adalah 7 orang. 2 lagi tu Dr. Asmadi (Head of East Asia Studies Department) dan Associate Professor Dr. Nasrudin. They both are very fluent in Japanese so kat sana diorang jadi our pemantau, interpreter, dan lain-lain. Pukul 6 PM semua dah berkumpul dekat KLIA except Gan. Sebab dia datang via bus from Johor, and jammed pula dah. Memang kitorang risau lah dia datang lambat takut terlepas flight ke haaa parah pula nanti. Disebabkan Gan lambat, so semua orang check-in first. Gan check-in sendiri sebab dia datang lambat. Dah selesai check-in, dah pass immigration apa bagai, pergi lah menunggu waktu boarding. Kitorang pun fly at 9.05 PM via Thai Airways sebab kena transit ke Thailand first, baru lah ke Jepun. 10.10 PM waktu Thailand, we arrived at Suvarnhabumi Airport aka Bangkok International Airport. Technically, my first oversea country is not Japan lah actually, it’s Thailand haha. Anyway, Thailand ni strict sikit immigration dia. Kena bukak kasut, memang malas gila. Dah sampai Thailand kitorang bukan boleh pusing pun, just duduk dalam airport je lah. So kitorang tunggu je lah until waktu boarding.
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Selfie with Abah, and Mak before bertolak. |
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So happy they had Grimes on their playlist! |
At 12 AM dah bersiap-siap dah nak boarding, at 1 PM kitorang pun fly ke Japan. Masa dalam kapal terbang, hidung aku berair dah hahaha sebab I really can’t stand kalau duduk dalam aircond lama-lama. The food was bomb af tho. At 8 PM sampai lah di Fukuoka Airport, Japan. Keluar je daripada kapal terbang memang berasap mulut sebab, WINTER. Memang sejuk sikit lah bila keluar tu, tak lah rasa macam different sangat, mungkin sebab dalam kapal terbang aircond kuat kot. Dah lepas immigration apa semua, Yuukoさん greeted us. So kitorang tak boleh nak bersembang banyak sangat dengan dia sebab her English wasn’t very fluent. Dr. Asmadi and Dr. Nasrudin lah yang banyak sembang dengan dia, in Japanese. I tried speaking Japanese, but my 単語 (tango) or vocabulary was very limited so it was 難しい (muzukashii) or difficult. Yang okay pun cuma 自己紹介 (jikoshoukai) or self-introduction je lol. Pastu Yuukoさん suruh jalan-jalan sekitar airport, shopping ke while waiting for Korean delegation. Aku pun pergi lah berjalan dengan Nisa, we decided to keluar daripada airport. Let me tell you, masa tu I only wear black skinny jeans, and sweater with white collar T-shirt inside. Bila keluar je, aku dengan Nisa terkejut beruk with the temperature. SEJUK NAK MATI. It was 9°C or lower lah. Airport dia sejuk, bila keluar lagi sejuk. Kitorang masuk balik, terus bukak beg, keluar kan mafla, pakai beanie, and glove. Tapi glove aku pakai kejap je lah sebab macam menyusahkan haha. Tu pun still cold af sebab I didn’t wear thermal underwear or long john. Ada dalam luggage, malas pula nak punggah apa semua. 「寒い~」 (Samui~) or cold, was the word that we frequently said dekat sana hahaha sebab Malaysia tak ada winter weh, of course tak biasa. Bila Korean delegation dah sampai, kitorang pun bersembang lah with them.Korean delegation were:
- Dr. Lee Sang Ryul @ Lee先生
- Hwang Yoo Bin @ Yoobin
- Koh Yo Han @ Yohan @ John
- Kang Gam Chan @ Gamchan
- Hwang Ye Ji @ Yeji
- Kim KeunA @ KeunA
Dalam Korean delegation ada dua orang fluent in Japanese. Dr. Lee, and KeunA sebab dia Japanese language student. Masa Dr. Lee saw me for the first time, he asked,
「女か?男か?」“Onna ka? Otoko ka?” or “Male? Or female?”
I was like, EXCUSE ME? What makes you think that I look like a woman? I was so weirded out. Aku cakap lah aku ni lelaki, while laughing awkwardly. Then dia cakap,
「フェムですね。」“Fem desune?” or “Very feminine isn't it?”
dekat Dr. Asmadi, tapi Dr. Asmadi jawab lah 男らしい (otokorashii) something. Macam clarify lah aku ni lelaki lol. I definitely won’t forget that moment. At 11.02 AM Japan time, kitorang pun naik bas ke Matsuyama-machi. It was a 2-hour trip lah ke sana. I sat beside KeunA and girl oh girl, dia pi tibai cakap Bahasa Jepun dengan aku sebab mungkin diorang tengok information yang Malaysia delegation semua budak Japanese Studies kot. Little did they know, our 日本語 (Nihongo) wasn’t very fluent. OK, her English pun wasn’t very good, so susah nak communicate, dia banyak speak Japanese je lah. I understand a bit lah, but couldn’t reply in Japanese sangat. She said she’s been to Indonesia before, and she knew a bit of Indonesian language. She did give me a food, a sandwich. I was so afraid to accept it, takut tak Halal ke kan. Tapi dia tahu yang us Muslims cannot eat pork. She even said,
「豚肉はだめですね?」“Butaniku wa dame desu ne?” Which I replied,
「そうです。」“Sou desu.”
I think it’s a chicken sandwich kot. I didn’t eat it at first, then dia ask, why tak makan lagi. Aku cakap aku full, padahal dah cuak dah camne aku nak makan ni, Halal ke idok. Tapi dah terdesak sangat, aku just baca Bismillah and eat the food. Taknak lah offend dia pula kan. Masa dalam bas, it was so awkward sitting beside KeunA because she doesn’t really talk much and aku nak main phone pun tak boleh juga because there was no internet connection. Dia keluarkan buku, then baca buku. Aku pun dah tak tahu nak buat apa, tengok lah kat luar tingkap menikmati pemandangan highway Jepun, LOLOL awkward gila. Nisa pun pergi lah bersembang dengan dia, after dia bersembang dengan Yeji. Memang aku nampak lah Nisa je yang banyak tanya soalan, si KeunA tu banyak mengiyakan je. Kitorang ada berhenti sekali. I went out to the toilet, memang sejuk lah kat luar. Of course Jepun terkenal dengan toilet dia yang ‘special’ haha. Luckily I can read a bit of Japanese, so tahu lah mana nak tekan for flush and all. Kang tersalah tekan, pi keluar air pancut lak, tak pasal pasal aku basah. Air paip kat toilet pun rasa macam Ya Allah tak boleh tahan lah sejuk dia. Bila dah masuk bas balik, tak lama lepas tu KeunA tukar seat. よかった (yokatta), aku lagi suka being alone daripada being ignored. KeunA duduk somewhere else yang dia nak be alone. Aku pun bila dah alone, apa lagi, tidur kejap lah sebab penat kot jet lag. Ceh gitu. Pukul 1.37 PM sampai dah di Matsuyama-machi, Nagasaki Prefecture. Kalau kita Malaysia ni, negeri-negeri tu panggil state kan. Kat Jepun diorang panggil prefecture. Dalam Bahasa Melayu, panggil wilayah lah kot. Kalau China pula panggil province or daerah dalam Bahasa Melayu nya. Ceh tetiba lak.
OK sambung. Setibanya di Matsuyama-machi, kitorang dijemput oleh Obaさん and other staff dan dibawa ke Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall around 2 PM. Pastu kitorang ke meeting room dalam tempat hall tu, and had our first lunch. The food was three onigiris, omelette, fried fish (macam fish and chips, excluding the chips) narutomaki or naruto, tempura, and veggies plus Japanese green tea. Sana memang banyak minum Japanese green tea je lol. おいしかったです!Memang kenyang lah weh. それから, lepas tu, kitorang pun had our first briefing. Obaさん explained to us pasal project dan aktiviti apa yang akan dilakukan sepanjang lawatan kitorang semua di sini. Selesai briefing, tamat sudah lah aktiviti untuk hari itu. Kitorang pun dibawa ke hotel untuk check-in. Masa ni cuma ada Korea and Malaysia delegation je. China tak ada lagi. Bila dah sampai hotel memang ahhhhh, lega lah boleh rest dah. Setiap orang satu bilik. Unpack beg apa semua then kemas barang. But before that Dr. Asmadi and Dr. Nasrudin ada kasi rules to follow. Typical stuff like jangan buat bising and all, but yang first time aku dengar is, jangan basah kan lantai dekat toilet. Get it? OK, let me explain. So, dalam satu bilik akan ada ‘tiga ruang’. Ruang pertama, memang ruang bilik lah. Ruang kedua, ruang toilet. Haa kat sini lah ruang yang tak boleh basah. Ruang ni ada sinki, dan tandas. Lantai dia kat sini macam wooden sikit so if basah takut mengalir ke floor bawah, and orang bawah pula akan bising. Reason kenapa kayu sebab Japan kan memang prone to earthquake, so if that disaster ever happen, dia macam mengurangkan lah impak roboh tu. Imagine if concrete jatuh atas kita, for sure mati. If kayu mungkin kurangkan sikit lah kot chance tu. At least that’s what Dr. Asmadi told me. For the last ruang is, ruang bilik air.
Selesai mandi apa semua, I put on my robe and relax kejap. Usya juga lah TV saje tengok channel Jepun macam mana hahaha. At first WiFi tak ada, so I had to go to the lobby and ask for a satu benda kecik ni lah, I guess that’s the WiFi portable. Waktu malam kitorang pergi ke みらい長崎 COCOWALK or Mirai Nagasaki Cocowalk. It’s a shopping mall with a Ferris Wheel on top of it. Saje masuk dalam mall tu, tengok apa ada ke kan. I was gonna buy a new belt sebab my belt masa tu dah rabak sangat dah, tapi macam tak rasa nak beli. Until now, to this day tengah write post blog ni pun masih tak beli new belt lagi hahaha. So masuk lah ke Uniqlo, ke Arcade, just window shopping je. Except Gan, dia beli lah few grocery stuff untuk dia nak makan dalam bilik dia. Gan tak ada masalah makanan since he’s a Buddhist, except he can’t eat beef. That’s part of his religion diet. Selesai jalan di Cocowalk, balik hotel, and tidur. Sebab esok pagi ada aktiviti lain pula.
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Taken around 4:40 AM (not sure ikut time mana). |
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Taken around 5:39 AM. |
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Yeay sampai! |
Everyone were waiting for bus untuk ke Nagasaki. |
With Korean delegation. |
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After a long day, I'm tired! Let's go to sleep! Feeling sexy konon! |
OK, kitorang semua bangun awal pagi. Dr. Asmadi and Dr. Nasrudin ada warn dah malam sebelum tu, kena be punctual sebab 日本人 (Nihonjin) are very punctual. Diorang sangat lah pentingkan masa. Aku pukul 6.30 AM mandi dah. Lain pun ada yang mandi, ada yang tak (meaning dia dah mandi siap siap malam tu sebelum tidur) sebab winter kan, sejuk. Aku sempat mandi hehehe. Of course lah kitorang mandi air panas, not air sejuk, that’s impossible sebab air dia too cold sampai boleh kebas kalau kena lama-lama. 6.30 AM, Dr. Asmadi WhatsApp kat group kata breakfast diorang dah prepare dah so siapa nak breakfast boleh turun makan lah. We all had our breakfast at 8 AM sebab 8.30 AM dah kena berkumpul dah and 8.50 PM dah kena bergerak ke Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall. Pukul 9 PM sampai lah di meeting room, and waktu tu cukup lah semua delegations; Malaysia, Korea, and China. Kitorang introduce ourselves.
I introduced myself in four languages; Malay, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese (Putonghua/Mandarin) which I made a mistake. Instead of saying 大家好 (dàjiā hǎo / Hello everyone!”), I said 你好 (nĭ hăo / How are you?). Beza dia, the second one tu more to one-on-one punya greetings, rather than everyone. Malu sikit kat situ lol. Masa ni kitorang pun berkenalan lah dengan Chinese delegation.
Chinese delegation were:
- Dr. Liu Mingli
- Wang Runzi @ Runzi
- Ma Jie @ Ma
- Chen Xue Lian
- Li Tianyi
Anyway, Obaさん bagi briefing sikit, pastu perkenalkan staff yang will help us untuk sepanjang lawatan kitorang ke Jepun ni. Selesai briefing, Chinese delegation ada briefing sikit dengan Obaさん. So while waiting for them kitorang pergi satu tempat ni untuk write our peace messages. Write digitally lah, kena draw lah apa bagai. Habis tu je, kitorang semua pergi ke Atomic Bomb Museum and our tour guide was Mutsukoさん. She’s a very fluent English speaker, but still ada lagi Japanese accent tu haha. Dia bawa pusing satu museum while providing informations. Habis je lawatan museum, kitorang pun lunch. Habis lunch, kitorang ada sesi lecture or sharing session by Michiko Harada or Haradaさん, dia ni 被爆者 (hibakusha) ataupun mangsa pengeboman atom. So dia cerita lah pengalaman dia, dalam Bahasa Jepun, dibantu oleh Dr. Lee (interpreter Bahasa Korea) dan Dr. Asmadi (interpreter Bahasa Melayu). Aku tak tahu kenapa Chinese delegation tak ada interpreter. Habis je sharing session bersama 被爆者 (hibakusha), ada Q&A sikit which Malaysian delegation yang banyak participate hahaha. Finished with that activity, kitorang pun sambung lagi lawatan, tapi this time ke luar pula.
Mutsukoさん bawa kitorang ke Peace Park, Hypocenter Park and other historical places. Yang kelakarnya, Mutsukoさん ni tengah busy explain, masing-masing busy bergambar. Tak lah semua bergambar terus ignore dia, contohnya macam masa Mutsukoさん tengah explain, haaa kalau time tu Nisa yang tengah dengar, yang lain semua pergi bergambar, Nisa lah kesian kena duk melayan Mutsukoさん bercerita hahaha. Gilir-gilir lah orang kena macam tu, kadang aku kena, kadang Shawal hahaha. Habis je lawatan ni, kitorang balik ke hotel. Only sekejap je, sebab lepas tu nak keluar. Kitorang decided to go to Chinatown. Asalnya, Chinatown nak pergi hari lain tapi dapat tahu weather forecast kata haritu akan hujan so takut tak syok pula pergi time hujan, kitorang pun pergi lah waktu petang dalam 5.30 PM macam tu. Tu pun waktu camtu dah macam nak Maghrib sikit dah. So kitorang pun naik tram lah, harganya 120 yen, sekali naik. Murah juga lah. So kitorang naik daripada station No. 19, Matsuyama-machi ke station No. 31, Tsuki-machi. Sampai di Tsuki-machi, kena jalan sikit then sampai lah di Chinatown. Memang rezeki pula datang time Chinese New Year, so ada Chinese Lantern Festival. It was sooooo amazing. Ada persembahan apa semua, banyak food stall (confirm tak halal). Habis je pusing-pusing di Chinatown, pergi ke Megane-bashi pula. BY FOOT. Jauh weh, tapi takpe kena tahan sikit, bukan selalu nak berjalan-jalan kat Jepun ni. Habis je berjalan apa semua daripada petang sampai ke malam, balik hotel and tidur!
Me writing/drawing the peace message. |
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I tried... |
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Selfie with Gam Chan right after we finished writing/drawing our peace messages. |
The simulator that showed how the bombing happened. |
Right after we finished our first lawatan inside the museum. |
Lunch! |
Sharing session with Haradaさん, the hibakusha. |
Setelah selesai sesi. |
Sempat curi-curi selfie masa Mutsukoさん tengah busy jalan kat depan. |
Alia and I. |
Masa ni Nisa macam serba salah sebab kitorang busy sangat curi-curi selfie haha. |
Mutsukoさん said kat sini kalau Spring memang cantik sebab bunga sakura semua ada. |
At Nagasaki Hypocenter Park. |
Belakang kitorang tu bunga-bunga actually and it's beautiful but you can't really see. |
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Nagasaki Peace Park! |
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Saje tangkap, sebab I enjoy this scenery? Lel. |
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Pastu ada neko tiba-tiba datang. |
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Masa ni Shawal asyik making fun of me behind camera, tu giggle teruk tu. |
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Taken right after dah habis lawatan with Mutsukoさん. |
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At night we went to Chinatown! |
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Kinda remind me of Journey to the West, or memang statue ni pasal tu pun? |
Dekat Chinatown street but we couldn't buy any food lol. |
Masa ni ada persembahan. |
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Ni on the way to Megane-bashi. |
Kat sini break jap sebab kaki sakit haha. |
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Me, Shawal, Nisa, and Gan. |
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Shawal lah jadi model untuk tunjuk Megane-bashi ni macam mana sebab masa ni me, and Nisa dekat other side of the bridge. Sadly, tak ada pun gambar semua orang kat sini. |
Okay yang ni I woke up at 2.30 AM something sebab lepas balik daripada jalan-jalan di Chinatown and Megane-bashi tu, bila baring atas katil terus tertidur. Like betul-betul tertidur terus. Buka kasut, baring jap, poof terus lelap sebab I was too tired. So bila dah bangun tu, tekak rasa kering gila. Pergi lah minum air, then prepare air panas dalam bathtub nak mandi. Habis mandi, dah fresh apa semua, kena prepare something pula. OK masa briefing hari semalam, Malaysian delegation kena hantar wakil sorang untuk present pasal Halal food. My group members picked me. So apa lagi, prepare lah points. I prepared points dalam two pages je lah. Tak go deep sangat, just cakap pasal Halal tu apa, Haram tu apa etc. Dah selesai prepare points plus rehearse a bit, siap siap lah nak breakfast. Lepas breakfast terus ke Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall. We were greeted by Kwassui High School students. Ni girls’ high school. Dah jumpa diorang tu, diorang divided us ikut groups.
I got into Group B which consisted of:
- Nose Maika @ Mai-T @ Maika
- Miyata Nozomi @ Non
- Terai Yuuna @ Yuna
- Taguchi Mizuki @ Mizuki
- Nakamura Suzuka @ Suzu
- Koh Yo Han @ Yohan (Korea)
- Muhammad Faiz @ (ファイズ)or Faizu (Malaysia)
Bila masing masing dah duduk ikut group, kitorang pun main ice-breaking. It was more of a game lah. Game dia macam ni, cards of flags diletak on the floor. After that, each groups kena hantar wakil sorang, duduk lah keliling flags tu. Then the emcee akan sebut nama negara, then wakil yang dihantar tu kena cepat-cepat rebut flag mana yang dia sebut tu. Once dah dapat, switch with other group members sampai lah flags tu habis. The group with the most flags will win. Guess who won? MY GROUP, BITCH. Hahaha, luckily the countries that I got were the easy ones. Once dia sebut terus cepat-cepat grab, so switching group members tu jadi cepat. Selesai that game, the Japanese students pun buat lah presentation. They read out 振袖の処女 or Furisode no Shojo; a story about Chikako and Minako, the 被爆者. After that, semua orang akan keluar with their own groups. The 高校生 (koukousei) or high-school student akan bawak kitorang pergi jalan-jalan first so we went to Cocowalk. Lol I went there already but okay this time with new friends. Masa keluar ni, banyak bersembang with Yohan lah. He was very talkative. He speaks a little bit of Japanese too, just like me.
When we arrived at Cocowalk, we went to Arcade. Actually me and Yohan suggested to naik Ferris Wheel dekat Cocowalk tu but the students said it’s too expensive. The price was 500 yen tho… so I don’t know lah if price tu really mahal for Japanese. I think mahal for high-school students kot, entah lah. So yeah tak pergi situ, pergi ke Arcade. We split into two sebab nak masuk Purikura. Habis je bergambar dekat Purikura, we went to snack shops. I bought something like biskut kuih bangkit lah, just because. Lepas ke snack shops we went to this Halal Indian-food restaurant called, BISHNU. The food yang dah booked was chicken curry rice with kebab and butter naan. Kat sini yang jadi kes ni. Me and my Malay friends semua macam doubt the Halal status although I think I shouldn’t have felt that sebab it was a Halal restaurant. Chef dia pun Saudi Arabian. Tapi bila kawan Melayu lain semua macam doubt to eat the food, aku pun ikut sama lah. So dalam first 10-15 minutes, we Malays didn’t eat the food, except drink the plain water and lassi. Gan tak ada masalah nak makan, so dia makan dulu. Kat restaurant ni, us Malays dah sah-sah separated sebab duduk ikut group masing-masing. Dr. Nasrudin and Dr. Asmadi pula tak datang lagi. So aku tengok je lah orang makan, and I had to pretend main phone. Then 先生 (sensei) kepada 高校生 (koukousei) datang kat aku, tanya our 先生 (sensei) will come or not which I replied I’m not sure. 先生 (sensei) dia kata if tak datang dia nak bungkus the food or bagi to others untuk habiskan. In the end, our 先生 (sensei) memang tak datang so the food tu diberi ke orang lain. I still didn’t eat the food though at that time, until Chinese delegation punya 先生 (sensei), Liu先生 perasan. Dia pun sort of discuss with Lee先生, then bagitahu 高校生の先生 (koukousei no sensei) or guru sekolah tu. Diorang punya lah convince us the food was Halal and I was like nodding. Diorang suruh kitorang makan juga lah, tapi kitorang macam still doubt. Sekali dia panggil chef keluar, chef pergi kat kitorang one-by-one, bagitahu yang food dia halal, dia pun Muslim. Bila dia kata camtu baru aku confident sikit nak makan. Before makan aku apologize first dekat semua yang duduk semeja dengan aku, I said,
「ごめんなさい!めんどくさいね~」“Gomennasai, mendokusai ne~” or “I’m sorry, menyusahkan je.”
Then baca Bismillah, いただきます。Tu pun aku makan sikit je sebab tak fully trust the food. I didn’t finish the food though. Tak kenyang mana pun sebab memang tak berselera sangat nak makan makanan tu. Habis lunch, 高校生 (koukousei) brought us ke other historical places. Masa ni cuaca dah mula hujan renyai-renyai. Actually, hari ni memang weather dia cloudy pun, dia macam tak berapa nak sunny sangat. OK, selesai je pergi tempat-tempat yang diorang bawak kitorang tu, pulang balik ke Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall untuk next activity. The next activity was a group discussion. What we did was, we pinpointed the interesting places in Nagasaki. Lepas tu present dekat other groups. It was… sort of a disaster. Everyone lah, sebab presentation dia macam tak nampak apa exactly nak dibentangkan. Semua just cakap topic random je. Masa part aku present, aku present dalam banyak tempat kat Nagasaki ni, Chinatown was one of my favourites sebab ada percampuran budaya di situ etc. After we’re done with that at 5 PM, kitorang balik ke hotel. Bila dah balik hotel, rehat kejap je then… haaa kat sini lah kitorang practice Joget Melayu. Asalnya nak practice dekat Suvarnhabumi Airport tapi tak banyak masa. So dalam pukul 6 PM kitorang semua practice joget depan bilik je, dekat hallway floor kitorang. Haa kat sini nak bagitahu why kitorang kena perform Joget Melayu. Sebab pada keesokan harinya akan ada dinner di ひかりのレストラン (Hikari no Resutoran) located on top of Inasayama ataupun Mount Inasa. Semua delegations akan bawa persembahan diorang sendiri so kitorang nak bawa Joget Melayu lah as our performance. OK selesai practice, just tawakkal je lah untuk persembahan esok. Lepas selesai practice menari, kitorang berkumpul kejap dalam bilik Shawal untuk settlekan pasal slide. So bincang itu bincang ini, practice present sikit, then habis. OK, esok akan ada presentation, dan juga persembahan masa dinner. Dua ni benda paling kitorang nervous sekali.
Alright, hari ni merupakan hari penutup bagi program “Asian Youth Peace Networking Project”. Bangun awal, terus siap-siap pakai baju formal untuk presentation later on. Hari ni weather special sikit; hujan. Hujan, in winter, bayang lah sejuk dia macam mana. So hari ni kitorang buat field work, or lawatan je lah senang cerita. Hari ni banyak berjalan dalam hujan. Of course bawa 傘 (kasa) or payung lol. According to Dr. Asmadi, weather kat Japan ni perangai dia lain macam sikit. Contohnya kalau haritu diramal hujan, maka ia akan hujan sepanjang satu hari tu, or dalam satu tempoh yang lama. Tak macam kat Malaysia, hujan beberapa jam je. Memang betul pun, masa hari ni, hujan dia berterusan dari pagi sampai petang. Nak dekat Maghrib sikit tu baru lah dia berhenti. Anyway, lepas habis berjalan jauh, tiba lah waktu lunch. Waktu lunch pun just beli barang dekat grocery store je. Then makan dekat Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall. Habis lunch, it is time for presentation. Memang nervous juga lah, tapi I was kind of excited to present. Giliran presentation dia was like this; Japan, China, Korea, and Malaysia.
So, presentation from China delegation was conducted in two languages; Chinese, and Japanese. Xue Lian was the interpreter in Japanese language. Masa akhir presentation daripada China delegation, Gan asked a question. Macam biasa, Malaysian delegation banyak ask questions during Q&A session haha. Funny thing nya, Gan’s question was so… I wouldn’t say difficult, but very membuka minda lah. At first, soalan tu cuba dijawab oleh Runzi, but he stuttered during answering it. Maybe dia ada masalah nak explain jawapan dia in English kot. Then, group member yang lain jawab. Her name is… Li Tianyi. So she answered the question for Runzi. Next is, Korean delegation. Presented by Gam Chan and Yohan. This time, my turn pula ask question. I still remember, I asked them what did they do to promote world peace in their country. Gam Chan was the one to answer it and it almost made me laugh, no offense. I’m not making fun of him but, he said that he fed cats, he collected trash if he saw one in the streets. Sure, that’s a noble thing to do, but it… didn’t really give an impact. But it’s okay, at least he tried to answer it hehe. Finally, datang lah our turn to present. Our presentation disudahi dengan video, edited by Shawal. The audience were so impressed with the editing. I’m so proud of his work! During Q&A session, ada audience tanya, how we cope with the racial differences in Malaysia. I was the one to answer it and I explained to them about “1Malaysia”, a slogan that every Malaysian keeps in their heart.
Selesai presentation semua delegation, pergi ke aktiviti seterusnya pula. We did two sessions of group discussion, in our own group lah. Me with my Group B. So we discussed about, is this world peaceful or not, if yes why, if no why bla bla bla stuff like that. Habis je group discussion, semua prepare untuk pergi dinner di ひかりのレストラン di Inasayama or Mount Inasa. Malaysia delegation terus ke toilet and tukar to baju tradisional Melayu since we will be performing Joget Melayu. After tukar baju, semua berkerumun tengok our outfit hahaha. Before gerak ke Mount Inasa, we took a final picture first. So we went there by bus, and once we arrived there it was so cold and windy. Kitorang semua bukan pakai baju tebal, Baju Melayu and Baju Kurung/Kebaya je kot! Memang freezing af.
Masa dinner tu memang sedap lah, it was a buffet. Dr. Asmadi tak join, sakit katanya. Dr. Nasrudin je yang join and he told us that kat mana-mana dulang yang ada white sticker tu, non-Halal sebab ada pork. So I took stuff like salmon, potato wedges, and omelette. Banyak lagi benda sedap but non-Halal kan. Alcoholic drinks pun disediakan, but Gan je lah yang boleh minum among us. Lepas ucapan, perasmian, kitorang pun makan. Tak lama lepas tu mula lah waktu persembahan. Japanese tak buat persembahan, but instead they did quizzes. Siapa jawab, dapat little gift. Lepas Jepun, turn kitorang. So kitorang menari lah, I was in the most front. Tak banyak spaces sangat to dance. Since I was in the front, I couldn’t see if my group members kat belakang tu menari betul ke tak. Lantak kau lah, janji aku yang menari okay hahaha. Kitorang panggil audience juga which was Runzi, Maika, and siapa tah lagi sorang. Habis our persembahan, ada this one Japanese man datang. He said our dance was fun and kind of easy, he wished he would have joined us during the performance. Then turn China pula, and diorang buat tarian dengan nyanyi lagu Chinese. Xue Lian was the one to dance and after they did that, they sang a song, in Chinese, beramai-ramai. Korea was the last to perform and they all did taekwondo, except KeunA. After that panggil audience pula naik atas untuk turut serta buat taekwondo. Semua trolled aku by chanting my name suruh naik atas pentas and so I did haha. It was so awkward! Habis je taekwondo, Korean sing the Arirang Song. We all sang together. Then ada ucapan penutup. Lepas ucapan penutup, ada masa sikit untuk selfie semua. Yang Malaysia delegation terus ambil our souvenir, then bagi dekat all delegations, except Japanese lah since they were too many. Then lepas tu cepat cepat kitorang ke top of Inasayama untuk bergambar. It was soooooooooooooooo windy weh! Rasa nak terbang kena tiup angin, bahaya pun ada juga, plus sejuk gila. Lepas tu balik lah and masa balik ni ada cerita kelakar. Masa our bus passed the Cocowalk, we saw Dr. Asmadi walking there, on the street, chewing something. うそつけ! Penipu betul hahaha! Sampai je near station Matsuyama-machi, we told Dr. Nasrudin that we saw Dr. Asmadi.
Dr. Nasrudin was like,
“Dah agak dah! Dia bagitahu saya dengan Lee先生 yang dia selsema. Kat Liu先生 pula dia kata dia batuk-batuk. Saya kenal dah dia tu camne.”
Hahaha, lepas tu 先生たち (senseitachi) semua pergi keluar sesama diorang. We waved goodbye to the Kwassui High School students, we thanked them for spending time with us. Then semua delegation pi balik hotel. Sampai je kat hotel, aku mandi and all pastu terus terjun atas katil. Penat, nak tidoq. It was a very long, fun day.
First place we went was 日本二十六聖人 (Nihon Nijuuroku Seijin) or Twenty-Six Martyrs of Japan. Tempat ni tak visit lama pun, kejap je. Followed by 崇福寺 (Sōfuku-ji) or Sofukuji Temple. Cost nak masuk was 150円 ke 130円, tak ingat but we get in dengan harga high-school punya LOL. Sini we really enjoyed the architecture, sangat cantik. Lepas tu kitorang pergi ke 丸山公園 (Maruyama Kouen) or Maruyama Park. Kat situ kitorang lepak makan sat, memang doves datang juga lah bila nampak kitorang makan. I bought few onigiris from nearby grocery store. Dah rest kat situ kitorang moved to the next place, which is グラバー園 (Gurabaaen) or Glover Garden! The price to get in was 600円. This place was superb! We were blessed with nice views here. One of my favourite places in Nagasaki, other than Mount Inasa. Then pergi ke Nagasaki Port, kat sini memang merasa gila angin kuat sampai badan dah reach limit dah untuk tahan sejuk. Sempat juga lah lepak di park berdekatan, makan kerepek jap. Yep, kerepek haha. After that pergi ke last place which was, 長崎県営野球場 (Nagasaki Kenei Yakyuu Jou) or Nagasaki Baseball Stadium. Pergi ke sini pun sebab Shawal memang nak sangat ke sini. Kat sini kitorang semua dah memang sejuk gila. Actually semua tempat sejuk, but bila kitorang sampai sini, limit kitorang nak tahan sejuk tu memang dah makin kurang dah. Macam dah tak boleh nak tahan dah. Habis visit stadium tu, pergi ke places nearby juga. We went to school nearby, and bookshop. I bought mangas and few stuff lah kat situ. Then kitorang balik lah, semua memang dah tak larat dah nak jalan-jalan.
Haaa hari ni memang hari betul-betul purpose dia untuk travel, dan hari terakhir untuk spend time in Nagasaki. Plan hari ni was to go to 端島 (Hashima) or Hashima Island, but commonly known as 軍艦島 (Gunkanjima) or Battleship Island. Hari ni weather just nice, so plan besar memang untuk visit this place lah. Firstly, we went to Dejima Wharf untuk beli ticket, which costed us 4000円. Tapi kitorang kena tunggu until 12.30 PM for the cruise so while waiting for that, kitorang berjalan-jalan di sekitar Dejima Port. Hari ni ada one of the China delegation joined us, Runzi! Masa tengah lepak macam-macam lah bersembang. We also let him tasted some of our kerepeks like muruku, and rempeyek. He loved it, he even asked me to export those foods to him hahaha. Masa melepak tu kitorang duduk bersila, then dia asked how kitorang boleh duduk macam tu, which made me terfikir eh duduk bersila ni memang adab orang Malaysia je ke apa haha. We asked him to duduk bersila but dia macam ada masalah doing that haha. I think bersila is not exclusive to Malaysia only; it’s common in Asian countries, kot. At 12.30 PM, kitorang pun naik cruise, but masa naik cruise tu we saw Yohan! Maka ajak lah dia sit together with us, and jadi lah lepak with semua delegations. Perjalanan ke Gunkanjima took 40 minutes, masa on the way ada explanation lah by the cruise captain tapi all in Japanese so I didn’t understand most of it lol. Sampai je kat situ kitorang kena follow this old tour guide. He barely speaks English.
Words yang dia speak pun one-by-one. For example,
“Here. Shower. There, pachinko. There, cinema.”
His Japanese accent was so thick we have trouble understanding him. Sometimes dia ada cakap Japanese, I can understand a little bit lah sampai ada tourist from Hong Kong asked me what did the old man say. Pastu dia surprised that I was able to understand Japanese which I replied by saying,
“I can, but only a little.”
To be honest, tak puas pun ke Gunkanjima ni sebab kitorang tak boleh nak masuk banyak tempat sangat, only tengok within the pagar je. Dia ada pagar dalam tempat ni, so kitorang view within that area je lah. Memang tak puas. Lawatan ke Gunkanjima finished at 3.30 PM, masa tu sampai Dejima Port balik dah. Then kitorang pergi ke tram station yang berdekatan then decide lah nak pergi ke mana. Masa tu tram dah sampai and Yohan naik first, but we all were unsure nak pergi ke mana. We discussed while Yohan dekat pintu tram tu then tiba-tiba pintu tutup, and so we separated from Yohan. We went to Glover Garden balik sebab Gan never been there. Kat sini kitorang pergi 祈りの丘絵本美術館 (Inori no Oka Ehon Bijuutsukan) or Inori no Oka Picture Book Museum. Semalam gate dia tak bukak so we took pictures from outside je lah. Now dah bukak kitorang bergambar lah kat dalam tapi tak masuk lah the museum, just the entrance. Glover Garden pun tak masuk dalam juga, just visit area luar je. Sempat lah tangkap gambar sunset dekat situ, kiranya macam last chance lah to spend time in Nagasaki. Habis je ke Glover Garden, naik tram and balik hotel. Tapi masa naik tram tu I saw Suzuさん masa dekat Matsuyama-machi station but sadly I was gonna turun there untuk balik ke hotel.
She saw me from outside so she waved and I was like,
Then bila dia masuk, aku pun turun and said,
At night kitorang keluar lagi, just jalan-jalan untuk kali terakhirnya di Nagasaki. Tapi yang keluar only the Malays lah. Memang rasa macam sedih sikit nak tinggalkan Nagasaki. Selesai ambil angin, balik ke hotel and mula packing untuk balik ke Malaysia esok harinya.
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Koukousei preparing their activities. |
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Me, presenting about Halal food. |
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Yeji busy cutting our Purikura photos. |
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Maika, and I. She was such a very energetic girl. |
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One of the Purikura photos. |
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Lunch at BISHNU. |
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Here's the food. |
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One-legged Torii. |
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Alia and his group members. |
In front of the tree yang known for it's damages lepas kena atomic bomb. |
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My group and I on our way to the next location. |
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Chikako and Minako statue. The last stop for our lawatan that afternoon. |
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Group activities. |
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My group's name, awwwh! |
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The pinpoints in our hand-drawn Nagasaki map. |
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Selfie with Yohan right after we finished with our group activities. |
Alright, hari ni merupakan hari penutup bagi program “Asian Youth Peace Networking Project”. Bangun awal, terus siap-siap pakai baju formal untuk presentation later on. Hari ni weather special sikit; hujan. Hujan, in winter, bayang lah sejuk dia macam mana. So hari ni kitorang buat field work, or lawatan je lah senang cerita. Hari ni banyak berjalan dalam hujan. Of course bawa 傘 (kasa) or payung lol. According to Dr. Asmadi, weather kat Japan ni perangai dia lain macam sikit. Contohnya kalau haritu diramal hujan, maka ia akan hujan sepanjang satu hari tu, or dalam satu tempoh yang lama. Tak macam kat Malaysia, hujan beberapa jam je. Memang betul pun, masa hari ni, hujan dia berterusan dari pagi sampai petang. Nak dekat Maghrib sikit tu baru lah dia berhenti. Anyway, lepas habis berjalan jauh, tiba lah waktu lunch. Waktu lunch pun just beli barang dekat grocery store je. Then makan dekat Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall. Habis lunch, it is time for presentation. Memang nervous juga lah, tapi I was kind of excited to present. Giliran presentation dia was like this; Japan, China, Korea, and Malaysia.So, presentation from China delegation was conducted in two languages; Chinese, and Japanese. Xue Lian was the interpreter in Japanese language. Masa akhir presentation daripada China delegation, Gan asked a question. Macam biasa, Malaysian delegation banyak ask questions during Q&A session haha. Funny thing nya, Gan’s question was so… I wouldn’t say difficult, but very membuka minda lah. At first, soalan tu cuba dijawab oleh Runzi, but he stuttered during answering it. Maybe dia ada masalah nak explain jawapan dia in English kot. Then, group member yang lain jawab. Her name is… Li Tianyi. So she answered the question for Runzi. Next is, Korean delegation. Presented by Gam Chan and Yohan. This time, my turn pula ask question. I still remember, I asked them what did they do to promote world peace in their country. Gam Chan was the one to answer it and it almost made me laugh, no offense. I’m not making fun of him but, he said that he fed cats, he collected trash if he saw one in the streets. Sure, that’s a noble thing to do, but it… didn’t really give an impact. But it’s okay, at least he tried to answer it hehe. Finally, datang lah our turn to present. Our presentation disudahi dengan video, edited by Shawal. The audience were so impressed with the editing. I’m so proud of his work! During Q&A session, ada audience tanya, how we cope with the racial differences in Malaysia. I was the one to answer it and I explained to them about “1Malaysia”, a slogan that every Malaysian keeps in their heart.
Selesai presentation semua delegation, pergi ke aktiviti seterusnya pula. We did two sessions of group discussion, in our own group lah. Me with my Group B. So we discussed about, is this world peaceful or not, if yes why, if no why bla bla bla stuff like that. Habis je group discussion, semua prepare untuk pergi dinner di ひかりのレストラン di Inasayama or Mount Inasa. Malaysia delegation terus ke toilet and tukar to baju tradisional Melayu since we will be performing Joget Melayu. After tukar baju, semua berkerumun tengok our outfit hahaha. Before gerak ke Mount Inasa, we took a final picture first. So we went there by bus, and once we arrived there it was so cold and windy. Kitorang semua bukan pakai baju tebal, Baju Melayu and Baju Kurung/Kebaya je kot! Memang freezing af.
Masa dinner tu memang sedap lah, it was a buffet. Dr. Asmadi tak join, sakit katanya. Dr. Nasrudin je yang join and he told us that kat mana-mana dulang yang ada white sticker tu, non-Halal sebab ada pork. So I took stuff like salmon, potato wedges, and omelette. Banyak lagi benda sedap but non-Halal kan. Alcoholic drinks pun disediakan, but Gan je lah yang boleh minum among us. Lepas ucapan, perasmian, kitorang pun makan. Tak lama lepas tu mula lah waktu persembahan. Japanese tak buat persembahan, but instead they did quizzes. Siapa jawab, dapat little gift. Lepas Jepun, turn kitorang. So kitorang menari lah, I was in the most front. Tak banyak spaces sangat to dance. Since I was in the front, I couldn’t see if my group members kat belakang tu menari betul ke tak. Lantak kau lah, janji aku yang menari okay hahaha. Kitorang panggil audience juga which was Runzi, Maika, and siapa tah lagi sorang. Habis our persembahan, ada this one Japanese man datang. He said our dance was fun and kind of easy, he wished he would have joined us during the performance. Then turn China pula, and diorang buat tarian dengan nyanyi lagu Chinese. Xue Lian was the one to dance and after they did that, they sang a song, in Chinese, beramai-ramai. Korea was the last to perform and they all did taekwondo, except KeunA. After that panggil audience pula naik atas untuk turut serta buat taekwondo. Semua trolled aku by chanting my name suruh naik atas pentas and so I did haha. It was so awkward! Habis je taekwondo, Korean sing the Arirang Song. We all sang together. Then ada ucapan penutup. Lepas ucapan penutup, ada masa sikit untuk selfie semua. Yang Malaysia delegation terus ambil our souvenir, then bagi dekat all delegations, except Japanese lah since they were too many. Then lepas tu cepat cepat kitorang ke top of Inasayama untuk bergambar. It was soooooooooooooooo windy weh! Rasa nak terbang kena tiup angin, bahaya pun ada juga, plus sejuk gila. Lepas tu balik lah and masa balik ni ada cerita kelakar. Masa our bus passed the Cocowalk, we saw Dr. Asmadi walking there, on the street, chewing something. うそつけ! Penipu betul hahaha! Sampai je near station Matsuyama-machi, we told Dr. Nasrudin that we saw Dr. Asmadi.
Dr. Nasrudin was like,
“Dah agak dah! Dia bagitahu saya dengan Lee先生 yang dia selsema. Kat Liu先生 pula dia kata dia batuk-batuk. Saya kenal dah dia tu camne.”
Hahaha, lepas tu 先生たち (senseitachi) semua pergi keluar sesama diorang. We waved goodbye to the Kwassui High School students, we thanked them for spending time with us. Then semua delegation pi balik hotel. Sampai je kat hotel, aku mandi and all pastu terus terjun atas katil. Penat, nak tidoq. It was a very long, fun day.
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It was raining that day so kena bawa payung! |
Fefeeling koukousei sikit hehe. Lagi best kalau dapat pakai gakuran lol. |
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Us during our presentation. |
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After we're done with our final group activity. Top row: Ma Jie, Mizuki, Nozomi, Maika, Yeji, Yuuna, and Suzu. Bottom row: Yohan, and I. |
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Yohan instructing us to do the classic 'look-over-there' pose. |
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Tak cukup pose tadi, suruh lompat pula LOL. |
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*Poor quality* Photos with everyone before we head to Mount Inasa. |
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Inside the bus on our way to Mount Inasa. |
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Taken at 6:08 PM. |
Dr. Nasrudin giving his speech. |
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This is what I ate that night. Tu pun dah rasa kenyang sampai tak mampu nak habiskan the fruits dalam bowl tu. |
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The view at 8.37 PM. |
From left: Gan, Shawal, Alia, Nisa, and I. |
Nisa, and I were too busy enjoying the show lol. |
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Us opening for the Joget Melayu. |
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China delegation singing together. |
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Korean delegation and their taekwondo performance. |
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Korean delegation singing Arirang. |
Hari ni supposed to be hari dimana kitorang pergi ke historical places, on our own untuk kumpul bahan for our report later on. Yep, kitorang kena buat report. But kitorang guna kan hari ni untuk berjalan-jalan disekitar bandar Nagasaki. After breakfast kitorang semua berkumpul di lobby lah, but bila nak gerak tu, China delegation punya 先生 (sensei) datang kat kitorang. Dia tanya nak kemana and seolah-olah memaksa kitorang keluar sama-sama dengan diorang. The thing is, kitorang dah pergi most of the places yang diorang nak pergi tu. Akhirnya, tak pasal-pasal kitorang terpaksa berpecah. Gan follow diorang, so kitorang semua jadi empat orang Melayu. Alright, takpe lah nak buat macam mana. Kitorang pun mulakan perjalanan. OK, before this Obaさん gave us 9000円 and an all-day bus pass. 9000円 tu untuk makan actually, but aku makan sikit je so the balance tu boleh guna untuk this trip. The pass pula, we used it to travel satu bandar Nagasaki via tram. Tak ada lah kitorang cover each metres in Nagasaki, just pergi ke tempat yang must visit je lah. Plan asalnya, nak pergi Gunkanjima, tetapi weather hari ni memang strong wind. So amat bahaya kalau nak ke pulau tu.First place we went was 日本二十六聖人 (Nihon Nijuuroku Seijin) or Twenty-Six Martyrs of Japan. Tempat ni tak visit lama pun, kejap je. Followed by 崇福寺 (Sōfuku-ji) or Sofukuji Temple. Cost nak masuk was 150円 ke 130円, tak ingat but we get in dengan harga high-school punya LOL. Sini we really enjoyed the architecture, sangat cantik. Lepas tu kitorang pergi ke 丸山公園 (Maruyama Kouen) or Maruyama Park. Kat situ kitorang lepak makan sat, memang doves datang juga lah bila nampak kitorang makan. I bought few onigiris from nearby grocery store. Dah rest kat situ kitorang moved to the next place, which is グラバー園 (Gurabaaen) or Glover Garden! The price to get in was 600円. This place was superb! We were blessed with nice views here. One of my favourite places in Nagasaki, other than Mount Inasa. Then pergi ke Nagasaki Port, kat sini memang merasa gila angin kuat sampai badan dah reach limit dah untuk tahan sejuk. Sempat juga lah lepak di park berdekatan, makan kerepek jap. Yep, kerepek haha. After that pergi ke last place which was, 長崎県営野球場 (Nagasaki Kenei Yakyuu Jou) or Nagasaki Baseball Stadium. Pergi ke sini pun sebab Shawal memang nak sangat ke sini. Kat sini kitorang semua dah memang sejuk gila. Actually semua tempat sejuk, but bila kitorang sampai sini, limit kitorang nak tahan sejuk tu memang dah makin kurang dah. Macam dah tak boleh nak tahan dah. Habis visit stadium tu, pergi ke places nearby juga. We went to school nearby, and bookshop. I bought mangas and few stuff lah kat situ. Then kitorang balik lah, semua memang dah tak larat dah nak jalan-jalan.
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Before gerak, OOTD first haha! |
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On our way to Sofukuji Temple. |
Luckily there were two kimono girls, so ajak bergambar lah sekali hehe. |
Inside the temple. |
Discussing the next place we want to go. |
"Korang stop kejap kat situ, macam nice je tangkap gambar macam ni." - Alia |
I don't remember statue ni siapa. But it's in Matsuyama Park. |
At Matsuyama Park. |
Glover Garden, tapi before masuk tu banyak omiyage shops. |
Inori no Oka Picture Book Museum. |
The gate was closed, selfie kat luar je lah. |
Inside the Glover Garden! |
View from Glover Garden. |
Ceh pose macam menunggu kekasih pulang daripada perang. |
At the top of Glover Garden. |
Feeding the fishes. |
I don't remember whose house is this, but atas ni windy gila! |
Inside was a little bit warm, thank God. |
I think this is the Thomas Blake Glover house, kot. |
Me in front of the house. |
At Nagasaki Port. |
Masa ni semua memang dah almost reach limit tahan sejuk. |
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Hehe look at the manga that I bought! |
Haaa hari ni memang hari betul-betul purpose dia untuk travel, dan hari terakhir untuk spend time in Nagasaki. Plan hari ni was to go to 端島 (Hashima) or Hashima Island, but commonly known as 軍艦島 (Gunkanjima) or Battleship Island. Hari ni weather just nice, so plan besar memang untuk visit this place lah. Firstly, we went to Dejima Wharf untuk beli ticket, which costed us 4000円. Tapi kitorang kena tunggu until 12.30 PM for the cruise so while waiting for that, kitorang berjalan-jalan di sekitar Dejima Port. Hari ni ada one of the China delegation joined us, Runzi! Masa tengah lepak macam-macam lah bersembang. We also let him tasted some of our kerepeks like muruku, and rempeyek. He loved it, he even asked me to export those foods to him hahaha. Masa melepak tu kitorang duduk bersila, then dia asked how kitorang boleh duduk macam tu, which made me terfikir eh duduk bersila ni memang adab orang Malaysia je ke apa haha. We asked him to duduk bersila but dia macam ada masalah doing that haha. I think bersila is not exclusive to Malaysia only; it’s common in Asian countries, kot. At 12.30 PM, kitorang pun naik cruise, but masa naik cruise tu we saw Yohan! Maka ajak lah dia sit together with us, and jadi lah lepak with semua delegations. Perjalanan ke Gunkanjima took 40 minutes, masa on the way ada explanation lah by the cruise captain tapi all in Japanese so I didn’t understand most of it lol. Sampai je kat situ kitorang kena follow this old tour guide. He barely speaks English.Words yang dia speak pun one-by-one. For example,
“Here. Shower. There, pachinko. There, cinema.”
His Japanese accent was so thick we have trouble understanding him. Sometimes dia ada cakap Japanese, I can understand a little bit lah sampai ada tourist from Hong Kong asked me what did the old man say. Pastu dia surprised that I was able to understand Japanese which I replied by saying,
“I can, but only a little.”
To be honest, tak puas pun ke Gunkanjima ni sebab kitorang tak boleh nak masuk banyak tempat sangat, only tengok within the pagar je. Dia ada pagar dalam tempat ni, so kitorang view within that area je lah. Memang tak puas. Lawatan ke Gunkanjima finished at 3.30 PM, masa tu sampai Dejima Port balik dah. Then kitorang pergi ke tram station yang berdekatan then decide lah nak pergi ke mana. Masa tu tram dah sampai and Yohan naik first, but we all were unsure nak pergi ke mana. We discussed while Yohan dekat pintu tram tu then tiba-tiba pintu tutup, and so we separated from Yohan. We went to Glover Garden balik sebab Gan never been there. Kat sini kitorang pergi 祈りの丘絵本美術館 (Inori no Oka Ehon Bijuutsukan) or Inori no Oka Picture Book Museum. Semalam gate dia tak bukak so we took pictures from outside je lah. Now dah bukak kitorang bergambar lah kat dalam tapi tak masuk lah the museum, just the entrance. Glover Garden pun tak masuk dalam juga, just visit area luar je. Sempat lah tangkap gambar sunset dekat situ, kiranya macam last chance lah to spend time in Nagasaki. Habis je ke Glover Garden, naik tram and balik hotel. Tapi masa naik tram tu I saw Suzuさん masa dekat Matsuyama-machi station but sadly I was gonna turun there untuk balik ke hotel.
She saw me from outside so she waved and I was like,
Then bila dia masuk, aku pun turun and said,
At night kitorang keluar lagi, just jalan-jalan untuk kali terakhirnya di Nagasaki. Tapi yang keluar only the Malays lah. Memang rasa macam sedih sikit nak tinggalkan Nagasaki. Selesai ambil angin, balik ke hotel and mula packing untuk balik ke Malaysia esok harinya.
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おはようございます!View from my window. |
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Update Insta dulu! |
Lepak somewhere in Dejima Port first while waiting for the cruise. |
Runzi joined us that day! |
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Ticket dah dapat, about to naik the cruise! |
Before naik, let's take a selfie! |
Arrived at Gunkanjima! |
While the tour guide giving explanation, kitorang sempat curi-curi bergambar kejap haha. |
Naik cruise nak balik ke Dejima Port. |
We all were so tired, we fell asleep masa on the way nak balik ke port. |
Each person got a certificate for visiting Gunkanjima! |
Inori no Oka Picture Book Museum punya gate dah open but we masuk just to bergambar je. |
Sunset. |
I'm gonna miss you so much Nagasaki! |
Last night in Nagasaki. Went to the park, somewhere, with Alia, Nisa and Shawal. |
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Masa on the way balik hotel from jalan-jalan, Nisa cakap dia pernah beli this milk and dia kata sedap. So I gave it a try lah. It was good indeed! |
2017年02月08日(最後の日 @ Saigo no Hi)or Last Day.
Awwwhhhh hari pulang ke Malaysia weh! Dah packing apa semua, dalam 7.10 AM gerak ke バス停 (basutei) or bus stop berdekatan untuk naik bas ke Fukuoka Airport. On the way to airport tak buat apa pun, just dengar lagu while tengok sceneries dekat luar. Memang enjoying the last views of Nagasaki. Pastu ada satu moment tu, Arashi no Ato De by Galileo Galilei was playing so I was like damn what a perfect song for a perfect moment. Rasa emotional sikit lah. Sampai je dekat airport memang terus check-in. Pastu bergambar dengan siapa entah, I don’t remember him actually. Tak pernah pun dia introduce himself to us, I think he’s like the person yang macam akan send us home lah. Dah bypass immigration, I bought カステラ or Kasutera/Castella untuk bawa kat rumah. It’s a cake, made of egg lah something like that. Memang sedap lah Kasutera ni, if ada rezeki memang nak beli lagi! Then we departed from Fukuoka Airport at 11.40 AM and at 3.40 PM Thailand time, sampai di Suvarnhabumi Airport. Time ni memang rushing gila sebab at 4.45 PM dah kena depart dah. So memang lari terus once dah turun from plane. 4.45 PM departed from Bangkok and arrived at KLIA at 7.55 PM Malaysia time. Masa sampai I was kinda shocked with our immigration staff sebab diorang tak check apa pun. Macam eh serious lah macam tu je kau bagi kitorang lepas? Anyway, my group members and me semua macam sembang-sembang sikit. Like lega lah finally the project dah habis dengan jayanya and we safely arrived at Malaysia. I really enjoyed going to Japan with my group. I feel so happy to be given the opportunity untuk buat benda-benda camni. To my group members; Shawal, Nisa, Alia, and Gan. Thanks a lot! At first I was so afraid to be with you guys, but bila dah kat sana, we bonded. With Nisa I memang felt comfortable the most because she’s from Perak, and my parents are also from Perak. So I spoke a little bit of Perak Utara accent with her kat sana. She’s a funny person also. The other group members, pun have been so nice to me. To the new international friends, especially Runzi from China, and Yohan from Korea, thank you so much for being my new friend. I’m so happy to have new Japanese, Korean, and Mainland Chinese friends.
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Goodbye Nagasaki, it's been fun. |
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Stop kejap. I still remember bus driver cakap, 「九時四分。」"Ku-ji yonpun." or 9:04 (AM). Meaning that at that time bas akan gerak. |
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Bergambar for the last time in Japan before boarding. |
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Flying back to Malaysia~ |
OK sebagai penutup post ni, nak cerita few stuffs sikit pasal apa I like about Japan and what not lah.
- I like how clean their country is. Like diorang memang jenis pembersih, seriously VERY CLEAN lah Nagasaki tu. At least in the city I went lah, I rarely see ごみ箱 (gomi bako) or trash can. The only one I saw pun dekat Glover Garden. Tu pun satu je, near the ticket counter. Kat tepi vending machine memang ada trash can but that’s exclusively for tin can je. Even ada CCTV lagi untuk pantau orang buang sampah yang tak sepatutnya ke kan. I asked Mutsukoさん why tak ada tong sampah and she said if ada tong sampah nanti orang akan buang sampah bercampur-campur, then susah nak recycle. So what people usually do is diorang akan simpan sampah dalam beg diorang then bila balik rumah baru lah buang sampah kat rumah. In my case, balik hotel baru lah buang sampah. Ada pernah sekali lah macam menyusahkan sikit, masa the last day of the project, yang nak ke Mount Inasa tu haa time tu ada hal sikit. So time tu bag dah penuh with baju formal tau sebab kitorang semua dah tukar to traditional outfit. So my sampah tu memang dah tak tahu nak sumbat mana dah, nak balik hotel memang tak sempat, tong sampah tak ada. So I had to carry it with me hingga lah ke Mount Inasa tu. Then I had to ask orang yang guide us kat situ, “Is there any trash can here?” dia pun macam ada ke tak eh, mumbling in Japanese, luckily I can understand. Then dia ambil my sampah instead, dia kata biar dia buang kan. I was like awwwwhhh thanks! So tips dia, kat Japan always prepare extra bag for you to put sampah in there.
- How you get internet connection? Easy. In Japan, mostly ada WiFi. By WiFi I mean dia ada WiFi satu bandar. And most places memang offer WiFi, DENGAN SYARAT you download the Japan WiFi app. From there you connect to the WiFi lah.
- I like how systematic, organized, and punctual there are. Memang amazed gila lah. For example, traffic light. If nak cross jalan kan, if the symbol pedestrians to walk tu merah, and tak ada kereta, they will wait. Even jalan sunyi pun. Macam robot lah the way they obey the rules. Kalau kat Malaysia, asal tak ada jalan je lintas LOL. Other than that, punctuality. Yes, memang masa naik bus, if dia stop kat mana-mana ‘R&R’, dia kata by 9.04 am dah kena ada dalam bas, by 9.04 am tu lah semua dah kena ada dalam bas. Kalau tak dia akan tinggal. Memang at that exact time lah dia akan gerak. Sama juga macam ke Gunkanjima tu. Dalam schedule dia kata at 3.30 pm dah balik ke Dejima Port, memang 3.30 lah dia sampai. Impressive gila lah. Pastu situ banyak public transport and semuanya punctual. That’s why everything is so systematic. Semua orang boleh kemana-mana on time.
- Language. Kat sana memang I was surrounded by Japanese language. It’s important to know how to read Hiragana, Katakana, and basic Kanji in order to survive there. Even the citizens pun speak Japanese to me eventhough they know that I’m a foreigner. For the high school students, I noticed that they always carry an electric dictionary with them. So macam when I speak English and they recognized an unknown word that I say, they will quickly search that English word via their electric dictionary hahaha.
- This is not really related but ever since I came back to Malaysia, terpaksa buat Line (Japan), Kakao Talk (Korea), and Weixin/WeChat (China) untuk stay connected with my new friends haha.
Last but not least, shoutout to Mak dan Abah sebab izinkan Faiz pergi ke Japan, the country that I have always wanted to go since I was a kid lagi. Also, to Usop先輩, I also want to thank you a lot for what you have done. Without you, I don’t think I’d be able to go to Japan. Dr. Asmadi and Dr. Nasrudin too, thanks for giving me the opportunity! Gambar-gambar semua pula, credit to all my group members, and my new international friends hihi. That’s all. xx
P/S: It took me a around two weeks to post this on my blog. One week for procrastinating. One week for actually drafting the whole story. Because cerita panjang sangat, I had to divide. Satu hari karang hari pertama. Next day pula sambung hari kedua and bla bla ~
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