Hey guys, Semester 4 telah pun berakhir! God, I can't believe that I only got two semesters left or less than a year, then I am done with my Diploma! I can't wait to graduate, but that also means that I gotta say goodbye to all the friends that I've known, my residential college, Universiti Malaya ahhh time flies so fast. So you know, I could say 4th Semester is errr semester yang agak difficult lah. I didn't mean it academically, but more to terms of trying to fit in with new friends, new roommates to be exact.
So second year ni, aku dah duduk dengan roommates baru. Kawan kawan semua dah tak ada, semua dah moved to rumah sewa. I was having a really really hard time to fit in, to be comfortable with my new roommates. The first day I checked into the college for second year, I was like, "Okay it's a new year, your final year, be happy with your new roommates, treat them right, be nice, be friendly with them!"
The first week, it's kinda awkward really, I mean I don't really know them much. It's TOTALLY different than first year. Masa first year, you gotta be friend with orang yang kau betul betul tak kenal. So dekat situ memang kita rasa macam nak approach tu senang lah, sebab kita tak kenal dia, dia pun takde gang lagi so nak taknak dia akan pilih untuk berkenalan dengan kita. Second year ni different, sebab kita dah memang kenal dia, cuma tak rapat je. This is where it becomes difficult, sebab kita nak KENA rapat dengan dia. Everyone dah ada gang masing masing so kita rasa macam agak awkward lah nak approach yang dah kenal dengan kita tapi tak rapat. Ahh you guys won't be able to understand this but yeah whatever.
So after the second week, I started to feel the difference of second year ni. To be honest, UM HAMBAR! Budak Degree cuti, junior ada lah but heyyy I tak kenal diorang sangat. So, after two weeks dekat kolej I started to feel lonely, empty, bored sebab after kau balik kelas kau balik sorang sorang, pergi kelas pun sorang sorang, so rasa macam Ya Allah lifeless nya, apa nak buat doh camni?! Ye lah, floor pun dah kena conquer dengan junior kan, diorang pun kau tak rapat so dengan siapa kau nak bersembang? Roommates? Eh wait, dengan roommates pun masih awkward lagi, so dengan siapa?!! Jawapannya, diam je lah. Pergi kelas, balik kelas, tidur, esok ulang benda sama. Memang rasa sangat bosan!
Dalam minggu ketiga, keempat, aku decide untuk ulang alik je daripada rumah. Memang penat, kau kena naik Bas RapidKL U88, ke UM, ambil masa dua jam or dua jam setengah kalau jam teruk plus kena gerak dua jam awal sebelum kelas, for example kelas pukul 1, pukul 11 tu dah kena tunggu bas dah. Kalau kelas pukul 9? Ye, subuh lagi kau pergi gerak tunggu bas dah. Penat memang penat tapi... duduk dekat rumah lebih seronok. Sampai satu masa aku dalam dilema tau nak quit kolej sebab aku rasa macam dah suka sangat duduk rumah. Tapi lama kelamaan, aku rasa macam nak duduk kolej pula sebab hambar semua ni sementara je. Budak Degree habis cuti nanti, UM akan ada balik lah segala aktiviti. Diorang masuk September ni which is masa aku Semester 5 lah! So, selepas fikir masak masak, aku decide nak stay je dekat kolej sehingga habis pengajian. Come to think of it, aku ni actually lucky sebab hanya TIGA ORANG sahaja senior lelaki yang bertuah dapat stay kolej. Three people out of all the others. Be grateful lah babe, bukan senang nak dapat stay kolej. Yang lain pun ada join jugak aktiviti but still unlucky.
Aku ada lah jugak balik kolej sometimes, tidur jugak kolej cuma dalam satu malam camtu lah then terus start tidur rumah balik. Tapi dua minggu terakhir ni aku memang stay kolej sebab aku rasa macam, "Faiz, you better stay kat kolej je lah. So what if kau rasa susah nak fit it dengan diorang, just fit the fuck in lah dude, you'll get through it okay!"
And yeah slowly aku dah rasa macam okay dah dengan diorang. Takpe lah slowly lah lama lama okay lah. So umm yeah, sem break for a week then I better get my ass ready for the 5th Semester 'cause I've seen the subjects I'll be taking. Ada Financial Accounting weh, AHHHH THE NIGHTMARE has come back! I never like Accounting. I never like anything that involve difficult calculation like goddamnit I fucking hate numbers, duit takpe lewls.
And yeah slowly aku dah rasa macam okay dah dengan diorang. Takpe lah slowly lah lama lama okay lah. So umm yeah, sem break for a week then I better get my ass ready for the 5th Semester 'cause I've seen the subjects I'll be taking. Ada Financial Accounting weh, AHHHH THE NIGHTMARE has come back! I never like Accounting. I never like anything that involve difficult calculation like goddamnit I fucking hate numbers, duit takpe lewls.
Arrite, that's all. See ya later.
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Took this right after the last paper yesterday. |