Faiz. Penutur bahasa rojak profesional. Used to be an introvert, but now slowly becoming an ambivert.

Semester break!

Hey goiiiss! Yes, finally the moment that i've been waiting for, semester break! Finally i can relax for two weeks, without worrying about anything, assignments or whatsoever except the Semester 1's final exam result. Okay, final exam was... hard and stressful as fuck. Especially Accounts paper which was on 28 October (two days ago). I don't even know what have i done, what i have answered, just hoping for the best. Hopefully the result won't be too unacceptable? Or i'd might kill myself lol.

Okay so you know what will i do during this semester break? WoW of course, omg yes finally. I've been longing to play the games ahhh, oh did i tell you guys that i am back on WoW? LOL apparently i can't control myself, the urge to play the games so yeah i made a 'great' decision i think.

Kay that's all just ignore this post okay, i'm currently having a fever so my English is kinda terrible right now. Well my English is already terrible it's just now it's more terrible since my brain can't function well due to the omg kay enough stop bye.


The University Life

Hard. Hectic. Tiring. Loads of assignments. Task. Not enough sleep. Eyebag.
I still can't find and feel the 'fun' of it bye.

Well i didn't expect this to happen...

Aloha Sprinklerinos! (Louise's tagline tho)
Hello everyone, you guys remember tak i told you i'll be off to Kolej Professional MARA Indera Mahkota, Pahang this 3rd July, and i told you all the bits and bops of what i'm gonna do there, what's so special about it, what course i'm gonna take there and bla bla bla. Well, NOT ANYMORE. I should have update this long time ago but i was so lazy so i decided to umm tangguh? Yes, well, ummm okay, at 5th June, i went to Klinik Kesihatan Sungai Buloh to do some medical check ups for KPM. But balik je dari check up tu i received a message from Universiti Malaya, saying that my permohonan tu study there telah diluluskan. Well at first i was like WHOOAAAAA hold on hold on, WHAAAT?! Yes, i applied for Business Management dekat sana, just as a backup plan je. Tak tahu pulak boleh dapat. So i told my parents and they were like happy semua, and yes they told me to ambil UM instead of KPM. At first i was like in dilemma to choose whether to take English as Communication (KPM) or Business Management (UM) so i asked my friends, minta pendapat and they told me to prefer UM 'cause UM is the top 1 University in Malaysia and 33 in Asia ahaks.  So UM is more costly than KPM but my parents nak sangat so ikut je lah, lagipun dekat je, dekat KL so weekend senang balik hehe. Lagipun diorang kata nanti kalau dekat Pahang apa apa jadi susah sikit, and nak pergi sana kena spend money yang agak banyak so okay yes i chose UM over KPM. It's okay, i'll try my best untuk mencintai course Business hehe. Oh yeah, i'll be off to UM this 6th July which is this Saturday, if KPM esok dah pergi. So yeaay i'm so excited, i'm hoping for the best, wish me luck! ;)
Barang semua dah beli dah, now tinggal packing je. Oh yes, i'm gonna spend 2 years there instead of 3 years dekat KPM. So, much faster lah tempoh belajar weeee.

Boiii xx.

There you go, surat tawaran.

P/S: By the way, yes i do have geng dekat sana which is my own neighbours/friends since kecil, and they are Fatin and Asya. Yeaay, Fatin ambil Human Resource Management while Asya sama course dengan aku. Isn't it exciting?! Kenal dari kecik, sekolah sama, membesar bersama, belajar dekat Uni pun sama sama weee.

A little catch up.

Well, hello everyone. How are you doing? Fine, great? Okay, lovely. Well, i don't really know what kind of topic should i talk about 'cause there's nothing great much happened to me lately. Ummm, oh yeah, Insyaallah i'll be furthering my studies in KPM (Kolej Professional MARA) at Pahang. I know it's kinda far, but yeah better travel far for studies than nothing. Oh TESL? Forget about it, UPU didn't accept my permohonan and most of my friends also tak dapat jugak so i can say the odds aren't really in our favor. It's okay though, actually KPM ni just as a backup plan je, in case tak dapat UPU. But it turned up okay pulak, dapat course bagus. Okay, IPTS yep, mahal? Nope, not really, if you study hard. What do i mean by that? Well, masuk KPM ni pretty much boleh jimat duit, boleh tak jimat pun ada. First, diorang kinda tanggung kau tau, dapat biasiswa and stuff, plus elaun bulanan which is kinda okay. BUT, yep there must be the buts, rules and conditions you have to follow, since diorang dah tanggung engkau, kau kena dapat pointer cantik punya, if you don't, well bayar balik ah! Amboi, orang dah tanggung taknak belajar betul betul pulak. And, this is a really golden opportunity sebab tak ramai dapat, only a few yang lucky je dapat wee. So.. yeah, study hard, get good pointers, Insyaallah boleh further up to luar negara, well, for me, UK of course, i've always wanted to go to Europe. But from what i selalu perhatikan, most of DEC seniors, semua pergi New Zealand. Hmmm okay then, if dapat pergi New Zealand pun okay jugak, at least luar negara, at least kau merasa belajar di negeri orang. Umm yeah, since KPM only offer Diploma, Degree tu you have to ambil dekat IPTA biasa lah. I think it's okay lah kot. Oh yeah, forgot to tell you what course i'm gonna take, well i'm gonna take DEC or Diploma in English Communication. Well, i prefer this one than TESL. Why? Because to me, TESL is more to teaching, you know your chance to be a teacher tu besar tau, especially lelaki 'cause you know there aren't many male teachers out there so aku taknak lah pulak jadi cikgu one day, eventhough it's an honorable job. It's just really not my cup of tea. Umm DEC ni dia ada learn sikit IT in it, marketing, business and macam macam lagi lah so i think career path in taking DEC ni lagi luas kot. Most of my friends ada continue Form 6, ada yang masuk college but not under MARA, and yeah semua dah berpecah lah. Apa lagi haaa, yeah i did mohon dekat Universiti Malaya untuk ambil course Business (I don't want to but my mom forced me to -__-") and i think tak dapat kot, it's okay then. Umm, and my mom just now suruh buat rayuan for Politeknik pulak, dia kata maybe dapat course okay ke, okay i'm gonna buat rayuan, ikut je lah cakap dia. But IF, dapat course yang tak best, well memang aku tolak. I kinda hate my mom for not understanding me tau, dia kata if dapat Poli dekat, mudah lah sikit nak ambil/hantar ke apa. I was like what the fuck, what's the point of dapat tempat dekat tapi ambil course yang kau sendiri tak minat? Ugh. I really hope dapat KPM now. That's all guys.

P/S: Apart from depressing and all the self hating, i think i'm fine for now bye you don't really have to read this actually but yeah whatevs.

2013. Still nothing special so far.

Hello peeps. Omg lama gila aku dah tak post dekat sini kan. Dah 2013, dah lepas New Year, dah lepas kerja, pun still tak post apa apa jugak. Well, now i got free time to post, soooo here we go. Okay 2013. So far, nothing special. It's really a bad start actually. First, kawan semua dah kerja... So, disebabkan nak duit, aku join Bella kerja Popular. Mula mula, it was okay, the kerja was not that hard, first week sakit kaki, that's really normal. Then bila dah second week, semua jadi macam shit. Not gonna tell ya what it is, but serious macam shit. So bertahan kerja kat situ dalam sebulan je. Then ca alif but. Ummm, so here i am, menganggur menanam anggur. Ha ha ha ~
Duduk rumah tak buat apa pun, but seronok jugak lah sebab at least bahagia sebentar, dari gangguan emosi segala yang ada haha. Kawan kawan pulak semua dah busy, semua dah buat hal masing masing, soooo hilang ke-akrab-an tu. Rindu kawan actually. Semua dah pergi situ sana kan, susah nak menggila semua. Yep, bersendiriaaaan lah jawabnya.
Apa lagi nak cerita, yeaaaaah 21 March 2013. Result SPM keluar. Takut? Tak takut, takut, tak takut entah lah. Tunggu dan lihat. UPU dah isi, PLKN bulan 8. Err apa mengarut ni hmmm. That's all. Bye.